Step 1: Sign up for Free Trial

Sing up for free here, and an Appsurify TestBrain Exterminator will contact you within 1 business day.

appsurify register page

You’ll be given a link to a production copy of Appsurify TestBrain.

Here, please fill out your account details and credentials.

A Confirmation Email will be sent to you email account.

Please Confirm.

Once your email is confirmed, you’ll be granted access to your team’s working environment of Appsurify TestBrain!

**Please note, one account per company.** If any issues here, please contact support.

Once you enter, you’ll initially be taken to the Summary Page where you’ll be able to start by ‘Creating a Project’

summary page to create project

Click on the Blue button to create a New Project, and follow the steps for easy set-up and configuration!