How CrowdStrike Could Catch Regressions Early

Jul 19, 2024

In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, ensuring software robustness and staying ahead of potential threats is crucial. CrowdStrike, a leader in cloud-delivered protection of endpoints, identity, and data, consistently demonstrates its commitment to innovation and security. However, even the most advanced organizations can have bad days and can certainly benefit from integrating new tools to enhance their processes. One such tool is Appsurify, a platform designed to optimize testing and catch regressions early. In this blog, we’ll explore how CrowdStrike could leverage Appsurify to identify regressions sooner, thereby improving their overall software quality and security posture to avoid public and very costly mistakes.

Understanding Regression Impact

Regressions occur when new code changes inadvertently introduce bugs or issues into previously functioning software. These can be particularly detrimental in the cybersecurity domain, where any vulnerability can be exploited by malicious actors. Early detection of regressions is crucial to maintaining the integrity and reliability of software systems.

As with recent news, even a small edge case can make it into production causing poor end-user experiences or outages.

The Role of Appsurify in Early Regression Detection

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Find regressions early through AI Detection!

Appsurify uses machine learning to optimize the testing process. It intelligently selects and prioritizes tests based on the likelihood of failure, significantly reducing the time and resources required for testing. By focusing on the most critical areas, Appsurify ensures that potential regressions are identified and addressed promptly before making it to later stages of production.

How CrowdStrike Could Benefit from Early Regression Detection:

  1. Accelerated Testing Cycles: Traditional testing methods can be time-consuming, often leading to delays in the development cycle. Appsurify accelerates testing by selecting only the most relevant tests, allowing CrowdStrike to catch regressions earlier and more economically.
  2. Enhanced Test Coverage: Appsurify ensures that critical areas of the codebase are thoroughly tested, reducing the risk of undetected regressions. For a company like CrowdStrike, which deals with complex and sensitive data, this enhanced coverage is invaluable.
  3. Proactive Risk Management: Early detection of regressions means that potential vulnerabilities can be addressed before they become critical issues. This proactive approach to risk management is essential for maintaining the trust and confidence of CrowdStrike’s clients.

Real-World Scenario

In recent news, CrowdStrike rolled out a new feature for its endpoint protection platform. During the development phase, several code changes were made, some of which inadvertently introduce regressions. The fallout has been swift and clear.

By integrating Appsurify into their CI/CD pipeline, CrowdStrike could have immediately identified these regressions. Appsurify analyzes code changes and selects the most relevant tests, quickly pinpointing the areas affected by the regressions. This would have allowed the development team to address the issues promptly, ensuring that the new feature is robust and secure before it reaches the end-users.

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Catch Regressions Early

Staying ahead of potential threats and ensuring the robustness of software is a continuous challenge. By leveraging tools such as Appsurify, CrowdStrike can enhance its testing processes, catch regressions early, and maintain the high standards of security and reliability that its clients expect.

Integrating Appsurify into CrowdStrike’s workflow not only accelerates testing cycles but also improves proactive risk management. As cybersecurity threats become increasingly sophisticated, the ability to quickly identify and address regressions is more critical than ever. With Appsurify, CrowdStrike can continue to lead the way in delivering cutting-edge security solutions, ensuring that their clients remain protected in an increasingly digital world.

Catch regressions early before they cause problems through patented AI Risk-based testing solution, Appsurify.