What Is Test Automation and How Is It Used?

Sep 13, 2022

As businesses grow and become more complex, the demand for faster, more efficient testing procedures increases. Automated testing tools offer a way to speed up the process by automating specific tasks that traditionally occur manually. But what is test automation, and how can it be used to improve your business? In this article, we’ll discuss exactly that. We’ll also examine some automation criteria and different types of automation. By the end of this post, you’ll understand what test automation is and how it can benefit your business.

What Is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is the process of executing tests and comparing outcomes to predicted results using specialized program software. Manual testing, on the other hand, is performed by a human being that sits in front of a computer deliberately carrying out the test steps. Test automation tools can also generate reports and dashboards that provide insights into the health of an application.

There are many benefits to using test automation, including:

  • Reduced time and costs: Automated tests run quickly and cheaply. They also eliminate the need for manual testing, which can be time-consuming.
  • Increased accuracy: Automated tests are less likely to contain human errors.
  • Better coverage: Automated tests can cover a wider range of scenarios than manual testing.
  • Increased efficiency: Test automation can make it easier to execute multiple tests in parallel, saving time.

What Are the Different Automation Criteria?

This question does not have one answer that fits everyone. The best way to determine if a given task is suitable for automation depends on the specific business context and technical constraints.

However, some general considerations that could be used to evaluate automation tasks include:

Criteria 1: Repeatability

When it comes to testing automation, repeatability is critical. It means that the tests should produce the same results each time they run. It is for two reasons. First, it ensures that the tests are testing what they are supposed to be testing.

If the test results vary from run to run, then it is difficult to know whether any changes in the software are due to the code being tested or simply to the fact that the test results are inconsistent. Second, repeatable tests are essential for debugging purposes. If a test fails, it is much easier to identify the problem if it consistently fails similarly. For these reasons, repeatability is an essential criterion for any test automation system.

Criteria 2: Support for Multiple Platforms

An essential criterion for any test automation solution is support for multiple platforms. Organizations need to be able to test their applications on a variety of devices and operating systems to ensure that the user experience is consistent across all platforms. Furthermore, with the increasing use of cloud-based solutions, it is essential that test automation solutions can be easily integrated with cloud-based applications.

In addition, many organizations now use mobile devices as their primary means of accessing information, so it remains vital that test automation solutions can be used to test mobile applications as well.

Criteria 3: Simplicity

While there are many factors to consider when selecting a test automation tool, another most important is simplicity. An easy and understandable tool will save time and money in the long run, as it will be quicker to set up and require less training for new users.

In addition, a simple tool is more likely to be compatible with a wide range of software and hardware, making it more versatile and practical. When considering different test automation tools, evaluate how easy they are to use and configure. A tool that is simple to use will pay dividends in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Criteria 4: Team Education

Any team that wants to be proficient in test automation needs the right mix of skills and knowledge. Ideally, every team member should understand how testing works and its role in quality assurance.

In addition, team members should be familiar with the various automation tools and frameworks available. Furthermore, they should have a good understanding of the risks and benefits associated with automation. Finally, they should be able to communicate with each other to discuss opportunities and challenges effectively.

Common Types of Test Automation

There are four primary types of test automation: unit, UI, API, and regression testing.

Type 1: Unit Testing

Unit testing is the lowest level of testing and typically dominates the overall strategy. Its purpose is to validate that a specific function or class works as intended. To assess collaborating classes and interfaces, also included are mocks and stubs.

Type 2:  User Interface (UI) Testing

This type of testing aims to ensure that the graphical user interface (GUI) presents the correct information to users and responds correctly to their input. It can be done using a tool like QA Automation Tool.

Type 3: API Testing

A set of tests is conducted on application programming interfaces (APIs) to check if they meet expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security.

Type 4:  Regression Testing

A type of testing that is done to ensure that changes made to a software program do not introduce new bugs. Regression testing is typically done by running a suite of tests against the software after each change.

Two male programmers switched from manual testing to test automation.

Developers Testing Software

The Test Automation Process

There are many different approaches to test automation, and the right approach depends on the project’s specific needs. Some standard techniques include:

Defining the Scope of Automation

The decision of what to automate and how much effort to put into automating each test case is made on a case-by-case basis. A rule of thumb is that any test too tedious or error-prone to perform manually should have someone automate it.

Selecting a Testing Tool

There are a lot of factors to consider. But one of the most important is choosing the right tool for the job. There are a few different types of Test automation tools out there. Some better suit specific tasks than others.

Planning, Designing, and Development

Test automation involves several stages, each of which must be carried out carefully for the process to be successful. The first stage is planning, during which the team decides what they want to automate and how they will do it.

Implement Test Automation

Test automation is not a silver bullet that will solve all of your software testing problems. It should be part of a comprehensive testing strategy that includes both manual and automated testing. Test automation cannot replace human beings when it comes to testing software.

Monitor and Maintenance Test Automation Infrastructure

Regardless of how effectively you execute automated testing, test maintenance is unavoidable if you want to grow your collection of reusable test scripts. If the application changes next time, your automated tests must be updated

Learn More About Test Automation

Test automation remains a powerful tool used to improve the quality of your software. A reliable partner and a tool are more critical than ever. That’s where we come in. We specialize in optimizing your existing automation test practices, making them faster and more economical.

We work with what you have in place and simply make it better. So if you’re looking for an automation partner to walk with you on this journey and make the best out of your tool, look no further – we’re here for you. Contact us today to get started on seamless test automation.